Alphabet Sound Teaching Tubs
Alphabet Sounds Teaching
These tubs are made by
Lakeshore Products. They consist of 26 small containers of items
beginning with the initial letter sounds. This is a game that can
be played with them (besides the obvious dumping the objects out of
a few tubs and having
the children sort them back
into the correct tubs).
The "Magic Sound" game
helps children recognize the SOUND of the letters. Show the tub
and make the sound of the letter; for example, /f/. Then have the
class make the sound with you. Ask if anyone knows what letter
makes that sound.
Then tell them that the
magic sound today is /f/. The rules of the game:
All the children sit up
straight with their hands in their laps and softly close their eyes
- no squinting or covering their eyes is allowed, so that you can
easily see who is "getting it". The magic sound is the only thing
that can make their eyes pop open!
Here is a sample dialogue
of the game using the example /f/:
Teacher: /m/, /m/ , /m/ is
the sound of ....
Students: M! (this offers
a great chance to review letters they might have
difficulty with!!!)
Teacher: /s/, /s/, /s/ is
the sound of ....
Students: S or C!
(I do a different number
each time so they never know when the magic will
happen.) Finally, I say...
Teacher: /f/, /f/, /f/ (by
now eyes should be open!) is the sound of ....
Students: Magic!!! (And
then I have them all make the sound again.)
Then I take an object out,
show it to them and say, " Name this object that
begins with f." If they
say the wrong word, I remind them it has to begin
with the magic sound of
/f/. (The one that comes to mind is yacht in the Y tub---
they all want to say
"boat". Many don't know what a yacht is.)
I place the object on my
easel and continue with the 6 objects in the tub.
Then, as I place each
object back in the tub, they say the names of the objects again.
This helps them remember the names those objects go by for when they
work independently or in pairs with the letter tubs (sorting.)
Also, the names of the 6
objects are spelled out inside the lid, so they can read
those words also. (and it
helps you to know what you're looking for if there
are only 5 objects in a