Introductory Activities |
a Bear
 Follow bear
paw prints to get to a treat (bear claws, teddy grahams, etc.).
We were working on a bear unit in conjunction with B week so I
made a basket of bananas, blueberry muffins and Butterfinger
candy bars. We had these for a snack. |
for Corduroy’s Missing Button
This idea can be
used at the beginning of the year to introduce children to the staff
and and acquaint them with the building or it could be used as a
shape review.
Cut different
shapes (circle, star, square, etc.), laminate and use a maker to
draw button holes on the shapes. Before the children arrive,
distribute these buttons to staff members throughout the building
(principal, librarian, lunch helper, etc.) Read the book, Corduroy,
to the class and tell them they are going to go look for his missing
button. Travel from place to place, introducing the staff and asking
if they have found Corduroy's missing button. Each staff member has
a button, but not Corduroy's button. Have Teddy Grahams or gummy
bears waiting in the classroom for a snack. You can make a facsimile
to Corduroy's button and have it hidden in the room or it can
forever remain missing.
One follow-up
activity would be sorting and graphing real buttons. Another would
be making a construction paper bear with a coverall and gluing real
buttons on it.
Several other
Corduroy activities can be found below. |
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear” by Bill
“Corduroy” by Don Freeman
“A Pocket for Corduroy” by Don Freeman
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
“Somebody and the Three Blairs” by Marilyn Tolhorst
“Ira Sleeps Over”
“One Bear All Alone”
“It’s the Bear” by Jez Alborough
“Where’s My Teddy?” by Jez Alborough
“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury
“Baby Brown Bear’s Big Bellyache” by Eugene Coco
“Berlioz the Bear” by Jan Brett
“The Big Bears”
“The Bears’ Autumn”
“Alphabears: An ABC Book” by Kathleen Hague
“Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: A Classic Counting Rhyme”
illustrated by Michael Hague
“Every Autumn Comes the Bear” by Jim
“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen
“The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, And The Big Hungry Bear”
“Tops and Bottoms”
"Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" by Bill Martin |
Literature Extension Activities
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
*Read books several days in
a row, allowing students to find color words and join in.
*Make puppets to retell the story.
*Act out the story.
*Make an innovation of the book, using children’s names and
Brown Bear lesson plan and character cards
Brown Bear printable templates
(color or black and white)
Brown Bear (match animal
pictures to color word cards)
Brown Bear story patterns |
*Read “Corduroy” and “A Pocket
for Corduroy”.
*Play the game, “Button, button, whose got the button?”
*Relate to living and non-living things by reading non-fiction
literature such as “The Big Bears” or “The Bear’s Autumn”.
*Read “The Button Box” and discuss alike and different (size, holes,
shapes, colors).
Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?
(activities to deal with
children’s fears)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
(characters and furniture
(retelling pieces at
end of lesson plan)
*Make a Venn diagram
comparing Goldilocks and the Three Bears to “Somebody and the Three
*Act out the story with the children wearing character headbands.
*Children make story puppets that they may take home to retell the

*Sort pictures of objects and characters from story (beds, bowls,
chairs, bears, Goldilocks):

Find all the big/medium/small things. |

Find all the bowls/beds/chairs/bears. |
Find all the living/non-living
things. |

Use the cards to retell the story. |
Bear Shadow
(shadow activities
for children’s families to complete)
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see.
And what do you think he saw?
What do you think he saw?
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see.
The Bear Hunt
(an echo chant)
Leader tells everyone to repeat
exactly what he says and mimic exactly what he does. Beat hands
alternately on knees—this represents you walking down a path looking
for a bear.
Do you want to go on a bear hunt?
Repeats same
Repeats same
Let’s go.
Repeats same
What’s that?
Group: Repeats same
Leader: That’s a river.
Can’t go over it.
Can’t go under it.
Gotta go through it.
Let’s go.
Group: Repeat
(Move as if swimming. Swim eight strokes. Then resume beating the
knees with the hands.)
Leader: Oh, look!
What’s that?
That’s a bridge.
Can’t go under it.
Can’t go through it.
Gotta go over it.
Let’s go.
(Pound chest to make a noise of
walking over a bridge. Then resume beating knees.)
Leader: Oh, look!
What’s that?
That’s a swamp.
Can’t go over it.
Can’t go under it.
Gotta go through it.
Let’s go.
(Make a movement with hands as
if the grass was high and you’re pushing it to one side. Then resume
beating knees.)
Leader: Oh, look!
What’s that?
That’s mud.
Can’t go over it.
Can’t go under it.
Gotta go through it.
Let’s go.
(Make upward movement with
hands as if it were hard to pull feet out of the mud. Resume beating
Leader: Oh, look!
What’s that?
That’s a tree.
Can’t go under it.
Can’t go over it.
Gotta go up it.
Let’s go.
(Make tree climbing motions.
Suddenly look up and say:
Leader: Oh, look!
What’s that?
(Reverse motions previously
done very quickly—nothing is said.
Down the tree; back on the path; through the mud; back on the path;
through the swamp; back on the path; over the bridge; back on the
path; across the river; and back on the path.
Leader gives a sigh of relief and wipes his brow.
The Cool Bear Hunt
by Dr. Jean is similar to this. The words can be found at
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy,
Was he?
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, up on tiptoes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, walk to me.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend your knee.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, hop around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, sit on the ground.
Bear March
(same as The Ants Go
Marching-change "ants" to "bears")
The bears are marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah! .....
Teddy Bear ABC Chant
I lost my teddy. Oh, where can he be?
I don’t think my mother put him away.
I wonder how far my teddy will go.
Isnt’ there anyone who’ll help me?
I think I’ll sit down here and cry!
What? You mean he’s still in my bed? |
Class/Individual Books
Brown Bear Innovation
(Make a class book
featuring student names and pictures.)
Dylan, Dylan, who do you see? I see Jake looking at me.
Bear Followed Me Home
book and have appropriate number of bears on each page and text
Students color bears appropriate
On Sunday, I saw 1 red bear, and he followed me home.
On Monday, I saw 2 blue bears, and they followed me home.
On Tuesday, I saw 3 yellow bears, and they followed me home.
On Wednesday, I saw 4 green bears, and they followed me home.
On Thursday, I saw 5 orange bears, and they followed me home.
On Friday, I saw 6 orange bears, and they followed me home.
On Saturday, I saw 7 GREAT BIG BLACK bears, and they followed me
And my mother said, “NO MORE BEARS!!”
Where Is
Teddy?” (position word
booklet), The Mailbox, Kindergarten, Aug/Sept, 1998
“My Black Bear
Book”, The Mailbox,
Kindergarten, Feb/Mar, 1996
Other Literacy Ideas
Erase the Face Game

Divide the class into two teams. To reinforce sight words or
letters, show a flash card to first person in line. If read
correctly, he erases one part of the bear (eye, arm, etc.) First
team to "erase the face" wins.

Have a Bear Share. We told our friends our bears' names, where we
got our bears, why our bear is special and where our bears sleep.
Each of our bears received an award at the end of the day. |
Bear Erase-a Rhyme
This idea was posted on and is a combination of the
rhyming talents of Jessica, Barb, and Jan. You can print a bear
picture out on a transparency and transfer the picture to a dry
erase board. Read the story and the children take turns erasing the
Teacher begins with:
“We’re going on a bear hunt!
Make no noise - - don’t even grunt!”
Hey - do you think bears like pies?
I don’t know, but we’d be able to tell by
the gleam in his _____ (eyes)!
When we find a bear, will it stop for a picture and pose?
"No way, Jose", that everyone _____ (knows/nose)!
When they eat honey, do they get stung?
I don’t know; we’d have to look at their ___ (tongue).
Which way shall we go---North, East, West, or South?
How do I know? Hey, you’ve got pie all over your ____ (mouth).
I bet they have mighty powerful jaws!
Yeah, just like their great big _____ (paws).
What do you think the bear hears?
Have you ever seen their round ____ (ears)?
“Run faster than the bear,” is what my mom always said.
Yeah, just try to keep away from his _____ (head).
Have you ever seen a bear cry?
Only when it wears a polka-dotted ______ (tie).
We can only get as close as he allows.
Now erase his bushy _______ (eyebrows).
He's been eating fish; his breath is all
Now we can erase his _____ (belly).

paper pattern blocks on ties worn by the teddy bears. This was done
in a learning center. |

dyed bear macaroni to make patterns.
Teddy bear counters, gummy bears or teddy grahams could also be
used. |


Sort M&Ms by color
on to different sections of a bear's body. |

real bears brought from home--bears that are brown and bears that
are NOT brown. We also sorted our bears by size--small and medium. |
Read “Corduroy” and sort buttons in
various ways—shape, color, number of holes.
Sort teddy bear counters, dyed macaroni
bears, gummy bears, teddy bear grahams. |

Make a graph of real gummy bears and the
best part is eating them when it's finished.
One-to-One Correspondence
Make a workmat of
six beds. Children must put one bear in each bed.
Read “A Pocket for Corduroy”. Make a worksheet
showing several bears in overalls. Draw one pocket
on each bear’s overalls.

Use a
bunk bed workmat to reinforce one-to-one
correspondence. For every bear on top, a bear has
to be placed on the bottom bunk also. |
Addition/Subtraction Readiness
Put 10 teddy
grahams on a bed workmat. Sing the song “Roll Over” and remove (or
eat) one teddy graham for each verse for subtraction readiness. |
The bunk bed
workmat could also be used for acting out addition story problems. |

Discuss real bears (bears that are living) and fictional bears from
some of the stories we read (non-living bears). Then sort pictures
of living and non-living bears. |
Classify the
animals from Brown Bear by habitat (land or water). |
Activities  |
Teddy Bear Games
This idea was
adapted from August Monthly Book, The Education Center (TEC758).
The Teddy Bear
Game activities are:
*Opening Ceremonies-Sing several songs related to bears.
*Bears in Buckets-try to toss about 5 bears into a bucket.
*Bouncing Bears-put all of the bears children brought from home on a
sheet. Children hold the edges of the sheet and bounce the bears up
and down (and off the sheet).
*Musical Bears-children hold their bears as they play Musical
*Balance Beam Bears-each child holds her bear as she walks across a
balance beam.
*Obstacle Course-children run through an obstacle course as they
hold their bears. They finish by sliding their bear over a table and
crawling under the table to retrieve their bears.
*Busy Bear Relay-run a relay race, handing off a stuffed bear to the
next team member.
*Closing Ceremonies-prepare an Olympic Bear Snack, receive
participation “medals” for both bears and bear owners.

a Pass Card for the games, featuring 8 boxes for the activities the
children will participate. Students will put a sticker in each box
as the activity is completed. |

of our Opening Ceremonies consisted of singing Dr. Jean's Bear Hunt song,
about a bear with big, googly eyes. |

on a Blanket was probably our favorite game.... |

...because we got to do this! |

During the Bears in the Bucket game, we tried to throw 5 bears into
the tub. |

Musical Bears was fun--play it just like Musical Chairs. |

enjoyed playing Bears on the Balance Beam. |

run, as fast as you can--it's the Teddy Bear Relay Race! |

the end of the Obstacle Course game, we pushed our bear across the
table and crawled under the table to get it. |

For a
snack, use vanilla frosting to attach gummy bears to five vanilla
wafers so they look like the five Olympic Rings. |

each child a
medal for participating in the Teddy Bear Games. One can be given to
the bears, too!
bear receives an award. Some awards could be: |
Smallest Bear
Tallest Bear
Smartest Bear
Most Colorful
Best Fed Bear
Sleepiest Bear
Bear with Cutest
Nose |
Cutest Bear
Most Huggable Bear
Best Dressed Bear
Bear with Longest Fur
Whitest Bear
Best Named Bear
Bear with the Most Surgeries |
Fuzziest Bear
Most Loved Bear
Fattest Bear
Brownest Bear
Happiest Bear
Bear with Longest Arms |
Teddy Bear Picnic

Finish the day by having a Teddy Bear Picnic. Wear bead
headbands because you have to come in "disguise" as bears--after all,
only bears are allowed at a teddy bear picnic. Dine on two bear favorites---fish and honey. (Okay,
you really eat
Goldfish crackers and honeycomb cereal.) Watch the Teddy Bears' Picnic video. It
is a "BEARY" fun day! |