Alphabet Letter/Sound/Word Song
Make a
chart with the following letters/words. Pictures can also be
included. Sing to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
A /a/
B /b/ ball
C /c/ cat
D /d/doll
E /e/ edge
F /f/fan
G /g/ goat
J /j/
K /k/ kite
L /l/ lamb
M /m/ mouse
N /n/ nickel
O /o/ octopus
P /p/ pickle
Q /q/ queen
R /r/ rail
S /s/ sun
T /t/ tail
U /u/ umbrella
V /v/ van
W /w/ watch
x /x/ x-ray man
Y /y/ yo-yo
Z /z/ zoo
can sing the alphabet all the way through.
Here are important words to know.
Look while we say them – here we go:
the, and, of, was, have, to, are, with, his, for, it, you.
We can sing the alphabet and read our words, too.
We're so clever, but now our song is through. |
If Your Name
Starts With…
(Tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It")
If your name starts with A, turn around.
If your name starts with B, touch the ground.
If your name starts with C, then stand up and touch your knee.
Clap your hands if your name starts with D.
If your name starts with E, wink your eye.
If your name starts with F, try to fly.
If your name starts with G, blow a kiss up here to me.
If your name starts with H, say "Hee, Hee".
If your name starts with I, tap your toe.
If your name starts with J, say "Ho, Ho".
If your name starts with K, then stand up and start to sway.
If your name starts with L, say "Hurray".
If your name starts with M, make a smile.
If your name starts with N, shake awhile.
If your name starts with O, put your elbow on your toe.
If your name starts with P, say "I know!"
If your name starts with Q, raise your hand.
If your name starts with R, you should stand.
If your name starts with S, you should pat your head, I guess.
If your name starts with T, say "Oh, yes!"
If your name starts with U, touch your eye.
If your name starts with V, pat your thigh.
If your name starts with W, X, Y or Z,
Then stand up, take a bow, and say "That's me!"
Alphabet Rhyme #1
A is for Apple, B is for Ball,
C is
for Cat, D is for Doll,
E is
for Egg, F is for Feet,
G is for Girl, and H is for Heat.
I is for Igloo, and J is for Jump,
K is for Kangaroo, L is for Lump.
M is for Mighty, N is for Nest,
O is for Octopus, P is for Pest.
Q is for Queen, and R is for Rail,
S is for Sitting, and T is for Tail.
U is for Uncle, Umbrella and Use,
V is for Vacation, Valentine and Views,
W is for Window, Whistle and Way,
X is for Xylophone that we like to play.
Y is for Yellow and Yelling and You.
Z is for Zero and Zipper and Zoo. |
Alphabet Rhyme #2
A is for apple, armadillo and air.
B is for book, beachball and bear.
C is for cat, crayon and cape.
D is for dog, dragon and drapes.
E is for elephant, eagle and eye.
F is for farm, fire and fly.
G is for goat, golf and guy.
H is for hat, hippo and hi.
I is for instrument, ice and igloo.
J is for juggle, jungle and jumparoo.
K is for kangaroo, kite and kid.
L is for lamb, lion, and lid.
M is for mother, mouse, and might.
N is for noodle, nest and night.
O is for octopus, ostrich and owl.
P is for penguin, pig and pal.
Q is for queen, quilt and quail.
R is for rabbit, rainbow and rail.
S is for seal, swan and sun.
T is for table, tiger and ton.
U is for umbrella, underwear and umpire.
V is for vulture, volcano and vampire.
W is for wizard, water and wishbone.
X is for x-ray, xerox and xylophone.
Y is for yak, yogurt and you.
Z is for zebra, zion and zoo.
Alphabet Sound
Angry ant, angry ant, a-a-a
(Angry face and stick out tongue)
Bouncing ball, bouncing ball, b-b-b
(Pretend to bounce ball)
Coughing caterpillar, coughing caterpillar,
(Cover mouth like a cough)
Drumming drum, drumming drum, d-d-d
(Pretend to be holding drum sticks and playing a drum)
Elephants echo, elephants echo, e-e-e
(Cup ear like you're listening carefully)
Fighting feline, fighting feline, f-f-f
(Use hands like paws and pretend to claw)
Gulping ghost, gulping ghost, g-g-g
(Put hand on throat and make gulping sound)
Heavy hippo, heavy hippo, h-h-h
(Put hand in front of mouth and pretend to pant)
Icky insect, icky insect, i-i-i
(Shake hand up and down like you're trying to shake off
Juggling joker, juggling joker, j-j-j
(Move your hands like you're juggling)
Coughing caterpillar, coughing caterpillar,
(Cover mouth like a cough)
Leaping lizard, leaping lizard, l-l-l
(Move your hands in a leaping motion)
Marshmallow, marshmallow, m-m-m
(Rub tummy in a circular motion)
Noisy noise, noisy noise, n-n-n
(Move hand like it's a car zooming down a race track)
Operation, operation, o-o-o
(Point finger toward open mouth and say "ah" as you would
for a doctor)
Panting pig, panting pig, p-p-p
(Put hand in front of mouth and make puffing sound)
Quacking quacker, quacking quacker, qu-qu-qu
(Make a duck beak with one hand and make quacking motion)
Roaring robot, roaring robot, r-r-r
(Make robot motion with hands and make roaring noise)
Slippery snake, slippery snake, s-s-s
(Make sliding movement with hands)
Ticking time, ticking time, t-t-t
(Make pendulum motion with hands)
Ugly underwear, ugly underwear, u-u-u
(Hold nose and scrunch up)
Vibrating vacuum, vibrating vacuum, v-v-v
(Move arm back and forth like you're pushing a vacuum)
Whistling rope, whistling rope, w-w-w
(Move arms like you're a lasso rope)
X-ray, x-ray, x-x-x
(Put pointer fingers in an X shape)
Yodeling yak, yodeling yak, y-y-y
(Cup your hands on either side of your mouth and yodel)
Zipping zipper, zipping zipper, z-z-z
(Pretend to zip a zipper up and down)
Alpha-Gator Story
Once there was an Alpha-Gator
Who absolutely adored the alphabet
He ate the letters and had sweet
Alphabet dreams all night long.
On Monday, he ate the letters ABCDEF.
Then he closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But the pointy part of the A kept
Poking him in his tummy
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
On Tuesday, he ate the letters GHIJK.
Then he closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But H and I made a word and said it over and over-
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
On Wednesday, he ate the letters LMNOP.
Then he closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But the O kept rolling back and forth in his tummy-
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
On Thursday, he ate the letters QRSTUV.
Then he closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But the S kept saying SSSSS and playing snake
in his tummy
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
On Friday, he ate the letters WXYZ.
Then he closed his eyes to get some sleep.
And he dreamed sweet Z’s
All night long!
See you later Alpha-Gator! |
Letter Sound Song
(tune of Dem Bones)
(Pass out large foam
letters to all the kinderkids)
Dem letters Dem
letters gonna walk around
Dem letters Dem
letters gonna walk around
Dem letters Dem
letters gonna walk around
Hear the sounds in
words! (We get up and dance around on the chorus part)
(The kid with letter
A holds it up high!)
A says "a" in apple
A says "a" in apple
A says "a" in apple
Hear the sounds in
Repeat Chorus and
dance!: Dem letters
Add any letter