Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas
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The photos and ideas on the following pages are examples of kindergarten literacy activities from my classroom and from Internet chatboards. Please be patient--it may take a few minutes to view the pictures.

Updated 7-28-05









Early in the school year, one student a day dictates a "Super Sentence"--something he wants to share with the class. We count the words and write the sentence one word at a time and rereading as we write each new word. The student who made up the sentence gets to be the "spaceboy" or "spacegirl" by putting their hand between the words and locating the period at the end of the sentence to help reinforce concepts of print.


As we continue writing sentences students are encouraged to begin using action words and descriptive words to make the sentences longer and more interesting. They also begin writing the sounds or words they know.


Practicing forming letters or words in shaving cream keeps children interested. It's a nice break from paper/pencil handwriting practice. Students also enjoy using markers and dry erase boards for writing.

During interactive writing, the teacher and the students "share the pen" to create a written product--a sentence, a story, or even a list. Students are called on to write sounds that they hear in words while the teacher fills in the rest of the word. If one of the words in the sentence can be found on the class word wall, a student can use it as a reference as he writes the word. The teacher thinks out loud to reinforce concepts of print---"This is the beginning of a sentence. What kind of letter should we use?"  "Bears is a new word. What should we do before we write it?"   "We've come to the end of our sentence. What mark should we put there to show we are finished with this sentence?"

Writing Jewels

You can buy a container of fake jewels at Michael's. Give each student a "writing jewel" to put between words to help them remember to put spaces between words when writing. The kinders take one and as they write, they put the jewel on the paper, and then begin writing
their next word. They love to use them!  (posted by Kathy)



These students are writing in their journals. The "office" in front has pictures and word lists to help them with their spelling.












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