Updated 7-28-05 |
Shape Poems
(source unknown)
I am
Cindy Circle.
Watch me turn
Round and round and you will learn
I’m not straight and I don’t bend.
My outside edges never end.
Sammy Square
is my name.
My four sides are just the same.
Turn me around, I don’t care.
I’m always the same. I’m a square!
Tommy Triangle
is the name for me.
Count my sides---there’s one, two, three.
Ricky Rectangle
is my name.
My four sides are not the same.
Two are short and two are long.
Count my sides. Come along----one, two, three, four.
I am
Danny Diamond.
I am like a kite.
But I’m really just a square
Whose corners are pulled tight.
Opal Oval
is my name.
The circle and I are not the same.
The circle is round, as round as can be.
I am shaped like an egg, as you can see.
Harry Heart
is my name.
The shape I make is my fame.
With a point on the bottom and two humps on top
When it comes to love I just can’t stop.
Shelby Star
is my name.
Shining brightly is my game
With five sparkly points and lots of sides, too.
With wishes I make dreams come true. |
So Many Circles, So Many Squares by
Tana Hoban
Circles, Triangles and Squares
by Tana Hoban
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana
Dots, Spots, and Squares by
Tana Hoban
Round and Round and Round by
Tana Hoban
Circles and Squares Everywhere
by Max Grover
Brown Rabbit's Shape Book by
What Is Square? by Dotlich
Shapes in Nature by Feldman
Shapes, Shapes, All Over the Place
by Gill
A Fishy Shape Book by Wylie
Circle Song
(tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It")
A circle is a shape that goes round.
A circle is a shape that goes round.
A circle is a shape that goes round,
And round and round.
A circle is a shape that goes round. |
square, two squares,
is what we call a pair.
Three rectangles on the floor,
Four triangles, count some more.
Five circles all around.
Here's a star that I have found!
Hexagon I can hop
Octogon means STOP!
And a heart.
Now let's go back to the start.....
by Heather Tekavec
Cut five identical triangles and manipulate them on a flannelboard
as you read the following poem.
One little triangle, sitting very still,
A tiny ant marching by might think that it’s a hill.
Two small triangles make a pretty sight,
Joined together in the sky, they look just like a kite.
Three small triangles, stack them one, two, three,
In the forest you would think that they were one big tree.
Four small triangles, pointing all together,
Make a pinwheel that can spin in windy kind of weather.
Five small triangles, the fanciest by far,
When they all join round and round, they make a flashy
ABCDE Shape Chant
this chant
in a pocket chart with a picture
of the 4 shapes on the correct line.)
Draw a circle now with me ( we skywrite a circle)
Can you draw a square this way ? (skywrite a square)
A triangle has 3 points you know (skywrite triangle)
A rectangle looks like this you see (skywrite a rectangle)
Drawing shapes is fun for me !
a Rectangle
(to the tune of: "B-I-N-G-O")
There is a shape that has four sides,
But it is not a square...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It is not like a square...No!
Two sides are long; two sides are short.
They are not the same...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
The sides are not the same...No!
Is a Square
(to the tune of: "Frere
This is a square. This is a square.
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides,
All the same size.
It's a square. It's a square.
Square Song
(tune of: "The Farmer in the Dell")
A square is like a box,
A square is like a box,
It has four sides,
They are the same.
A square is like a box!
Triangle Song
(tune of: "The Farmer in
the Dell")
A triangle has 3 sides,
A triangle has 3 sides,
Up the mountain,
Down, and back.
A triangle has 3 sides!
Circle Song
(tune of: "The Farmer in the Dell")
A circle's like a ball,
A circle's like a ball,
Round and round
It never stops.
A circle's like a ball! |
Rectangle Song
(tune of: "The Farmer in
the Dell")
A rectangle has 4 sides,
A rectangle has 4 sides,
Two are long, and
Two are short.
A rectangle has 4 sides!
Other Shape Ideas and
Photos |
Making Shapes
Tie an 18 inch length of yarn into a circle. Then give directions to
lay the yarn on the floor and make it into a circle shape, a square,
a triangle, a rectangle, an oval and a diamond.
Go on a
shape scavenger hunt
in the classroom,
inside the school and outside the school. Use a digital camera to
take pictures and make a shape book by captioning each page, “The
window is a rectangle.”
Have a
Shape Party
asking parents to donate foods in different shapes.
Circles: M&Ms, Oreos, Nilla wafers
Squares: Cheese Nips, Saltines, Wheat thins
Rectangles: Graham crackers, sugar wafers, ice cream sandwiches
Triangles: Doritos, taco chips
Oval: Ritz
Sphere: cheese balls
Cube: caramels or cheese squares
Cylinders: marshmallows
Cones: Bugles or ice cream cones
Pocket for Snipped Squares
Make a pocket by cutting off the bottom portion of this paper and
gluing or stapling the two sides and bottom. Snip the top half into
squares and store in the pocket. Send home to parents.
pattern block shapes
to form pictures.
Use pretzel sticks, toothpicks or straws to make triangles.
Shape Book
Have groups of
children lay on the floor and make shapes with their bodies. Take a
photo and combine into a class book. |
Shape Monster Book
The text for each
page is:
Shape Monster,
Shape Monster, munch, munch, munch.
How about a (name
of shape) for your lunch?
Make a page for
each shape. Use (or draw) a picture of a
monster with
his mouth open on the cover and on each of the pages. The kids
provided the shape for each page
by tracing a
block in that shape and then they coloring it. Glue the shape in the
monster’s open mouth.
Procedure for Introducing Tangrams
(from Libby on Kinderkorner)
Day 1 (about the 2nd
week of school)
Start with an 8 inch square.
Put the word square and an icon on the math word wall. Talk about
the square's features.
Day 2
We learn a diagonal fold.
We practice naming and locating the diagonal.
We learn triangle.
We talk about triangle and its features.
They know that 2 triangles make a square.
We learn to recite a working definition of square. (A square is a 4
sided polygon with 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles).
Day 3
Their square has been cut. (Since this is early in the year, I do
this cut so the lesson is unaffected by poor cutting.)
They learn to identify the longest side of the triangle.
They learn how to put the square back together.
They learn how to make a larger triangle.
They learn how to make a trapezoid. Put trapezoid on the math word
We learn to recite a working definition of triangle. (A triangle is
a 3 sided polygon.)
We fold one of the triangles into 2 triangles.
We learn to rebuild the triangle.
We learn to build a square and a larger square.
Day 5
I fold the tip of the largest triangle properly before the lesson.
They learn to identify this fold as another triangle and the
leftover piece as a rhombus. Add rhombus to the math word wall.
Put it back together.
Continue cutting one piece per day and putting it back together.
Add small, medium, large to the math word wall.
Taking apart the tangram like this helps them to have a better idea
of the properties of each shape. It develops their spatial
awareness, too.
After we get them all cut apart, I replace them with the plastic
We do lots of activities like, how many ways can you make a
triangle, a square, a ....?
Can you make a square/triangle/rectangle..... using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
It is probably 3 weeks before we begin to make designs. About the
3rd week I read "Grandfather Tang's Story". It means more to them.
They have a background. I have cut a second book apart and put that
in a center during the week. They love doing it now because they
understand how the pieces fit together.
I have a little deck of cards with the shape on one side and the
solution on the other. I like to put one out each day or so. I put
it in a sheet protector and hang it on a small table easel for the
children to reference.

A Perfect Child in a Perfect Square
Make a square picture frame by gluing four popsicle sticks together
and painting. Have each child draw his picture in
the square box. Hole punch in
the triangle part and hang from string attached to one side of a
popsicle stick frame.

(OK-so maybe it's not a perfect
square!) |

"Family Homework" was a circle search.
Two paper plates are stapled together halfway up, creating a circle
envelope. Students put circular objects inside and brought them to
school to share.

Cut a large circle shape and glue on
one circular item from the Circle Search homework described above. |

The traffic light and the caterpillar
art projects help students learn to cut a circle shape. Both are
from the Beginnings book, published by TLC Art. (http://www.tlcart.com)

Students glued triangles to headbands
to make hats. This is a good activity to accompany reading, "Where
the Wild Things Are".

This fox head was made by
trimming off the corners of a square for the triangle ears. Then it
was attached to a headband.

This fishy project was created by
cutting the corners off of a rectangle to make the fish. Then
triangles were added for the fins and sea plants.Thanks to our art
teacher, Ms. Bittle, for these projects.

This "Shape Race" game
uses the pattern cards on the right for the players to move toward
the finish box. This is an old game by Box It or Bag It Math. |

These pattern cards are
placed face down. Players take turns drawing a card and telling what
comes next in the pattern. Then they move their marker on the Shape
Race game to the next place that shape appears on the gameboard.

Glue different size rectangles on
paper to make a picture--another idea from Ms. Bittle. |

This turtle was
drawn and the shell was filled in with pre-cut colored

These cylinders were
glued together to form a caterpillar and a square head was attached.

This is a frog made
from cylinders.

Watch out for the
coneheads! A circle was slit to the center and then overlapped to
form a cone shape. A pipe cleaner and crepe paper streamers complete
the "look"!

Use toys to create 3-D
shapes. Cubes and rectangular prisms can also be made using
toothpicks and miniature marshmallows.

Thanks to our
wonderful art teacher, Ms. Bittle, for using literature and art to
reinforce the plane and solid shapes our kindergarten students
learn! |