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Math: Centers


Ideas for Math Centers

Use manipulatives to make patterns.


Glue or stamp pennies in a coin counting booklet.

Use stamper markers or glue on packing peanuts to practice counting skills.

mathctr2 mathctr3

Make math counting centers to supplement themes such as frogs on dotted lily pads.

Place seeds on felt watermelons (in the background) and put “uglies” on umbrellas (for letter U) to practice counting.

Use pattern blocks to form pictures.

Play this Roll-a-Snowman game. It might be a good idea to begin with a dotted 3 circle snowman template in case the students rolls a 1, 5 or 6 before he rolls the 2 for the snowman’s head.

Play Concentration by matching times on digital and analog clocks.

Cut foam into “french fries” and have students place a specified number of fries into each fry container.


Using the overhead projector, students can combine shapes to make pictures or count out sets and place a numeral next to the set.


Rubber snakes were placed on this addition math mat to help solve a problem. Any other water animal could have been used (frogs, ducks, goldfish crackers, etc.) The addition mat could be changed for each theme, such as a barnyard for farms or zoo cages for zoos.


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Math Centers

Barnyard Bunch K-2 Math Centers eBook

Math Center Ideas

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