Share/Bookmark Downloads @ A to Z’s Shop Christmas Race Game Literacy Rudolph! Rudolph! New Printable available for this activity: Printable Rudolph! Rudolph! Book In this book, Rudolph has a different colored nose on each page. I used a piece of velcro to make the book interactive by matching the colored nose to the color […]

Christmas Craft Activities, Art Projects, Snacks and Recipes
Share/BookmarkSnacks/Recipes Reindeer Reindeer-cut bread into triangle shape and spread on peanut butter. Use pretzels for ears, chocolate covered raisins (or brown M&Ms) for eyes and a red M&M for a nose. Apple Santa Make an Apple Santa by putting large marshmallows and red and green gumdrops on toothpicks and inserting them in the apples […]

11 Christmas Party Game Ideas
Share/BookmarkIdeas for Christmas Party Games 1.MUSICAL SHARES Set up the chairs facing outward in a circle just like in Musical Chairs. Start the music and stop it. Everyone gets a seat just as usual and everyone takes a seat. For the next round, remove one chair, but NOBODY leaves. Everyone stays. Start the music again, […]

Family Teaching Theme Activities and Lesson Plan Ideas
Share/BookmarkClass Graphs This is our class graph of how many people are in our families. This graph depicts each student’s “place” in their family–the oldest child, the middle child , the youngest child, or the only child. Family Photos These are the family pictures we brought to share. Family Flags We made “family flags” by […]

Five Senses Teaching Theme Activities & Lesson Plan Ideas
Share/BookmarkTouch Place six different shaped objects in six socks which have been labeled with numerals. Have students divide a paper into 6 boxes and number them. Pass the socks around and have the students make a picture of what they think is inside from feeling them. Take out the objects and compare the drawings to […]

The Polar Express Teaching Theme & Lesson Plan Ideas
Share/BookmarkRelated Teaching Ideas Pages: Christmas Theme • Gingerbread Theme The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburgh Have a Polar Express Day in your class! The photos below depict some of the activities I’ve done with my class and information regarding the resources I used to make this an exciting day for the children. My students […]

Christmas Teaching Theme Activities & Lesson Plan Ideas
Share/BookmarkChristmas Teaching Theme There were so many ideas for Christmas I organized them into separate pages: Christmas Math and Literacy Activities & Printables Class books, printable books, patterning, Roll-A-Christmas Tree, and graphing ideas. Christmas Craft Activities, Art Projects and Snacks/Recipes Snowman Handprint Ornament, a collection of Christmas crafts, Gingerbread Houses. Christmas Party Games 11 party game ideas […]

Gingerbread Activities
Share/BookmarkDownloads @ A to Z’s Shop Gingergread Adventures Balanced Literacy Unit Literacy Poems & Class Books A-B-CDE The Gingerbread Man is running from me. F-G-HIJ The Gingerbread Man is running away. K-L-MNO I said stop. He said NO! P-Q-RST Across the river’s where he wants to be. U-V-WXY I can’t catch him even if I […]

Handprint Calendar
Share/Bookmark The latest calendar is here: 2016 Printable Handprint Calendar Please note: This calendar is for personal and classroom use only. You do not have permission to take this calendar and sell it or share with others. If you want to make your own handprint calendar have fun with it, but if you choose to share or sell […]
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