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Christmas Theme Activities and Printables for Math and Literacy


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Christmas Race Game 


Rudolph! Rudolph!

New Printable available for this activity:
Printable Rudolph! Rudolph! Book

reindeernosebook2 reindeernosebook1

In this book, Rudolph has a different colored nose on each page. I used a piece of velcro to make the book interactive by matching the colored nose to the color word on each page. The text reads:

Rudolph! Rudolph!
What will you do?
You can’t guide Santa
If your nose is blue!

Rudolph! Rudolph!
Santa gave a wink.
But what will he think
If your nose is pink?

Rudolph! Rudolph!
Your way cannot be seen
Through the wintry weather
If your nose is green!

Rudolph! Rudolph!
You’re such a silly fellow
Who will know it’s you
If your nose is yellow!

Rudolph! Rudolph!
How will you get back?
You can’t see in the dark
If your nose is black!

Rudolph! Rudolph!
It’s time to go to town.
But Santa’s wearing a frown
‘Cause your nose is brown!

Rudolph! Rudolph!
It’s time to fly at night.
But you’re quite a sight
‘Cause your nose is white!

Rudolph!  Rudolph!
The children are in bed.
And now I know you’re ready
‘Cause your nose is red!

Reindeer Tricks

In this book, Rudolph is a stick puppet who illustrates some positional words as he flies. He ends up falling off a roof and landing in a snowdrift (a pocket covered with cottonballs.) Directions to make this book can be found in Kim’s kid-made books.

reindeerbook reindeerbook1

Emergent Reader Holiday Books

Maureen Tumenas, a former kindergarten teacher, wrote these emergent reader books and generously offered to let me post them on my site.

Important: They are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other.

Our Christmas Wishes

Make a collaborative class book by having each student illustrate and finish this sentence:

The one gift I most want for Christmas is _______________.

All About Reindeer

This book provides some factual information about reindeer. Teacher’s Helper, Kindergarten, Nov/Dec/Jan 1996-97

Holiday Shapes Book
Have students illustrate each page with the correct number of shapes OR have the shapes pre-drawn on the page and have students decorate them.

1 winter day I looked to see that
holiday shapes were all around me!

2 triangle trees standing in the snow.

3 square gifts with Christmas bows.

4 diamond cookies just made to eat.

5 round latkes for a Hanukkah treat.

6 star shapes in the winter night.

7 rectangles shine with Kwanzaa light.

Christmas Tree Book
Copy a Christmas tree on green paper. Illustrate each page as directed.

On my Christmas tree there will be
A shining star just for me.

On my Christmas tree there will be
A ringing bell just for me.

On my Christmas tree there will be
A blinking light just for me.

On my Christmas tree there will be
A singing bird just for me.

On my Christmas tree there will be
A smiling angel just for me.

Rhyming Christmas Tree


I don’t recall the source for this activity, but Christmas pictures are inserted on colored circles to make ornaments. I passed out these out to the children and they put them on the “tree” when they heard something that rhymed with their ornament picture. An example might be: Santa doesn’t play a game, but my clandle has a flickering _____. (flame)

Play a game to review words and letters. They may draw one ornament on the “boy” or “girl” Christmas tree for each flash card they can read.



Use curved and straight pieces decorated in candy cane stripes to make letters and words.


Roll a Christmas Tree Game

Roll a Christmas tree

Students need a blank sheet of paper (or use the dotted template below). They work in small groups and take turns rolling a die to make a Christmas tree, including the top, the middle, the bottom, the tree trunk, the star on the top and at least 6 ornaments. The first one to finish drawing his tree is the winner!

Roll a Christmas Tree Printable Game

This printable includes a pre-drawn dotted tree. This would be helpful for the students if they roll a 4, 5, or 6 before they’ve drawn the tree. It gives them a point of reference to draw their trunk, star and ornament.

If drawing the star is too difficult you might show them how to make an easier one. First make an X and then put a vertical line and horizontal line through the middle so it resembles a star (or snowflake).

Roll a Gingerbread Man Game

Roll a gingerbread man copy

Students need a blank sheet of paper (or use the dotted template below). They work in small groups and take turns rolling a die to make a gingerbread man, including his head, body, face 2 arms, 2 legs and at least 3 buttons. The first one to finish drawing his gingerbread man is the winner!

Printable Roll a Gingerbread Man Game

The printable includes a pre-drawn dotted gingerbread man. This would be helpful for the students if they roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6 before they’ve drawn the head or body. It gives them a point of reference to draw their face, arms, legs and buttons.

Christmas Macaroni Patterns

Dye Christmas macaroni to use for patterning, counting or story problems.

Fireplace Math

The fireplace math mat is from Box It or Bag It math.

Christmas Patterns


Use Christmas foam shapes to make a pattern.

Christmas Headband


These patterns can be made into a headband.

Christmas Crunch Cereal Graph


We graphed Christmas Crunch Cereal. Click here for a copy of the Christmas Crunch Graph.

Candy Cane Numbers


Use curved and straight pieces decorated in candy cane stripes to make numbers.

Gingerbread House Money Math

Making a gingerbread house can be a wonderful opportunity to practice counting money. The materials to decorate the houses could be “purchased” for pennies, nickels or dimes. Each child would be given a specific amount of money and each topping (chocolate chips, M&M’s, coconut, skittles, gum drops, etc.) would have a price posted by it.

Related Pages

Christmas Craft Activities, Art Projects and Snacks/Recipes
Snowman Handprint Ornament, a collection of Christmas crafts, Gingerbread Houses.

Christmas Party Games
11 party game ideas and links to more.

Gingerbread Activities

Polar Express Activities

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