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Alphabet Letter Formation Poems


ABC Letter Formation Poems

I plan to add some printables for each of these soon.  :)  Check out the handwriting worksheet generator, too!  Be sure to follow Little Giraffes on Facebook and Pinterest for updates!

A – Pull down twice from the point to the top. Add a seat to view the apple crop.

a – First make a round apple to eat, then a slide for an ant when he’s finished his treat!

B – Big old B has a tall straight back and two big bellies ’cause he just ate a snack!

b – Draw a straight back just like me. Don’t forget to add a belly for b.

Cc – Cars can cruise down curvy c. Stop near the ground- that’s it you see!

D – Down to the ground, then take a break. Half a circle is what you’ll make.

d – First you make a dime to spend. Go way up high then down to the end.

E – Pull straight down for capital E. Then add some shelves 1, 2, 3.

e – A little line start off e. Add a plate for an egg- here’s breakfast for me!

F – Big F is a tall flower for you. E has three lines, F has two.

f – This flower grows tall and hangs a little. Add a line right in the middle.

G – Big round circle but don’t go too far. Add a garage to park your car!

g – A garden starts with a little seed. The roots grow down that’s all you need!

H- Make two lines, high to low. Connect the lines so they can say hello!

h – First start high then take a jump. Little h has a little hump.

I – Big I starts with one side of a door. All it needs is a roof and a floor.

i – Little i goes down, it’s an ice cream treat. Add a sprinkle on top and it’s ready to eat.

J – Jumping jack J jumps up and down and then curls up. Jack needs a hat ’cause he likes to dress up!

j – Little j is so thin and lean. Jump way down, then add a jellybean!

Kk – K and k have three lines as you can see: a tall straight back and a sideways v.

L – Pull down a line and add a lap. Lie down, lazy! It’s time for a nap!

l – Little l looks like a number one. Just draw a line and you are done!

M – Go down, hit the ground, then draw a V. Down to the ground again big M is two mountains for me.

m – Go down, hit the ground then get ready for bumps. Little m is easy to write, just add two humps.

N – Stick a nail in the ground and slant another one right. Add a third pointing up and say “nighty-night”!

n – Go down, hit the ground and your almost done. Little m has two humps, n has only one!

Oo – Oh yum! An orange to eat! Nice and round, it’s a healthy treat.

P – Pull down your pencil, then pick it up off the ground. Add a half a penny, nice and round.

p – Pop on down and then up, you see. Finish it off with a little pea!

Q – Big Q is a round quarter to spend. Add a line when you’re at the end.

q – A fancy queen with a little pearl. Give q’s hair a special curl.

R – First draw a line and then a rainbow. Add a ramp and you’re ready to go!

r – Go straight down, then race on back. r has an arm, like a little rack.

Ss – Silly S and s, those slippery snakes. Twisty, turny, ready to shake!

T – Big T is a big tall tree. Add a fort at the top so you can see.

T – Little t is a little tree. Add a fort in the middle for you and me!

U – Big U is just like a cup. Start by going down and then curve up.

U – Curve down and up, then down once more. Little u is a cup that’s ready to pour.

V v – Slant down first then up like so. This upside-down volcano is ready to blow!

W w – W and w have two pointy waves. Swim in the water if you’re brave!

X x – A criss and a cross and in case you forgot, where is the treasure? X marks the spot!

Y – Capital Y has a V in the air. The pole at the bottom holds it there.

Y – Slant down right, down to the ground. Slant down left and take it underground.

Z z – Zigzag Z and z are easy, you see. Just zig a zag – 1, 2, 3!

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