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Bats Teaching Theme Activities & Lesson Plan IDeas



batpuppet1 batpuppet

Bat puppets are folded and cut in bat shape. White reinforcements are used for eyes and a mouth with fangs is drawn on. To make it into a puppet, staple a scrap strip of paper to the back on each side of the fold. Don’t staple this piece flat; leave a bit of play in it so the child’s hand can fit inside.


Halloween is an appropriate time to introduce the _at word family (bat, cat, fat).


Bat erasers, purchased from Oriental Trading, are available in several colors and can be used for math sorting, patterning and graphing activities.


Bags of Halloween candy often feature bats.

Bat Finger Puppet

Printable Bat Finger Puppet


Other Resources


Teacher’s Helper, Sept/Oct 1997
Bat booklet, Stellaluna story recall and sequencing, Stellaluna stick puppet, Batty Counting gameboard

A Stellaluna finger puppet

I Can Make It! I Can Read It! Fall, Preschool-Kindergarten (TEC3512)
Bat Facts booklet


Bats (Scholastic Science Reader) by Lily Wood
Bats by Gail Gibbons
Bat Jamboree by Kathi Appelt
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon

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