Share/Bookmark Begin the unit by filling in a KWL chart. Ask the students what they Know about food and what they Wonder about food. At the conclusion, fill in the “What I Learned” section. Taste test and then graph students’ favorite milk flavor. You could also make strawberry-flavored milk so they would have three choices. […]

Pilgrims Teaching Theme Activities, Crafts & Lesson Plan Ideas
Share/BookmarkInstant Downloads & A to Z’s Shop Pilgrims (Individual KinderReaders Title) Pilgrims Cut and Paste Art Pattern By Dianne Tansey Pilgrim Hat Cut and Paste Art Pattern By Dianne Tansey Poems Five Little Pilgrims Five little Pilgrims on Thanksgiving Day (hold up hand and count off fingers with the rhyme) The first one said, “I”ll have […]

Native American Indians Teaching Theme Ideas, Activities, Crafts & More
Share/Bookmark Instant Downloads @ A to Z’s Shop The Little Indian (Individual KinderReaders Title) Let’s go on a bear hunt! The little indian goes out looking for a bear, but wait until you see what happens when he actually finds one. Native American Cut-and-Paste Art Pattern This cut-and-paste art project will provide your students with opportunities to improve […]

Elections & Voting Classroom Activity Ideas
Share/Bookmark Make Uncle Sam hats by gluing white stripes to red paper. Attach star border with tabs. Cut the center out of a Solo paper plate and tape the tabs to it. (I have not found a way to keep these on the kids’ heads easily). Use the same stripe and star pattern to make […]

Thanksgiving Bulletin Boards, Recipes, and Classroom Feast Ideas
Share/BookmarkBulletin Boards Ears Lookin’ at You Kid! Give each child an outline of a piece of corn on the cob and have them dip their fingers in different autumn colors to put their fingerprints all over the corn cob. The fingerprints will look like little corn kernels. After they dry, add a corn husk at the […]

Thanksgiving and Turkey Math, Science, and Social Studies Activities
Share/BookmarkMath Roll a Turkey Game Students need a blank sheet of paper. They work in small groups and take turns rolling a die to make a complete turkey, including a body, a head, a face with a wattle, 2 legs, 2 wings and 4 feathers. The first one to finish drawing his turkey is the […]

Thanksgiving Turkey Art Activities and Crafts
Share/BookmarkArt/Craft Activities Handprint Turkeys Paint child’s palm and thumb brown and each finger a different color. When dry, paint the tip of the index finger red and put on thumbprint for the turkey’s waddle. Use orange marker to make beak and feet and black marker for eyes. Add this poem beneath the turkey handprint: This […]

Thanksgiving and Turkey Class Books and Literacy Activities
Share/BookmarkStudent/Class Books If You Meet a Turkey This is adaptation of the Wright Book, “If You Meet a Dragon. Glue a turkey cutout (I used an Ellison die-cut turkey) to each page. Use a real feather to “tickle” the turkey on each page. Make a pocket for the inside cover of the book as a […]
Thanksgiving and Turkey Songs and Poems
Share/BookmarkAlburquerque the Turkey (tune of :”O’ My Darlin’ Clementine”) Alburquerque was a turkey, And he’s feathered and he’s fine. And he wobbles and he gobbles, And I’m awfully glad he’s mine. He’s the best pet you can get yet, Better than a dog or cat. He’s my Alburquerque Turkey And I’m awfully proud of that. […]
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