Our Open House is prior to the opening of school. I made up a scavenger hunt to familiarize the child and their parents with our classroom and the building. This helps take away some of those first day fears. Following the picture of the scavenger hunt paper is the parent instruction note.
Please help your child read the list and locate the pictured items in our classroom or in other parts of the school. Circle each picture as it is found. This will help your child find his way around Pfeiffer School and ease some of his anxieties when (s)he begins school on Wednesday. When (s)he finishes the scavenger hunt, bring the list to me for a treat.
Mrs. Flanagan
This note is print on bordered paper that goes in the treat bag the children receive when they complete the scavenger hunt.
Dear Little Giraffe,
Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so happy that you are in my class this year. You are officially a part of a new school family at Pfeiffer School. This is a special care package I made just for you! This is what each item means:
1. Starburst — You are a star in my class!
2. Eraser — Remember it’s OK to make mistakes. Even grown-ups learn from mistakes!
3. Smarties — You’re going to get even smarter this year!
4. Hug — We all need a hug sometimes. If you need one at school, I’ll always have one waiting for you!
5. Sticker — To remind you that we all stick together in Room 4!
6. Lifesavers — To help you remember that you can come to any adult in our school family if you need someone to talk to!
7. Cottonball — So you know Kindergarten is a warm, cozy place!
8. Tissue — To let you know that I will always dry your tears if you need me to!
9. Ribbon — To remind you that friendship ties our hearts together and we are all friends in Kindergarten!
10. Gummy Bears — Because Kindergarten is like you – “beary” nice!
11. Kindergarten Pencil — Because I am so glad you are here!I”ll see you on Wednesday for our first fun learning day!
Mrs. Flanagan

Parent gifts for Open House

This business card is printed on a magnetic sheet. If used as a refrigerator magnet, parents will always have the school phone number and my email address handy.