These students are retelling the Chicka Boom story on this felt board. The Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Story Patterns can be printed from the Kizclub website: Color – BW
I printed mine by printing them on pellon. However, the color came out less vibrant than it would have been on cardstock.
Here’s a printable Chicka Chicka PDF book @Hubbard’s Cupboard
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Letter Hunt
Hide the alphabet letters in sequence along the route you intend to follow. You could use magnetic letters, foam letters, Ellison letters, etc. The kids will collect them as you go…for example, hang up the a, b, and c somewhere between your room and the library, and as you walk along that route, have 3 students collect them as you pass. Hang the d, e, f, and g up along your route from the library to the PE area. Some kind of palm tree should be in your classroom to place the letters on when you get back. (You could use the tree above, a construction paper tree, or even one found in the Oriental Trading catalog. The last verse will lead us back to the classroom. By the time you get back to the room, you should have the whole alphabet. Some kids may have to hold more than one letter if you’re lucky enough to have a small class! Once you get them all back there, you can play a game with the letters or do some kind of activity with sequencing them. You should also have a surprise/treat of some kind waiting for them.
These are sample clues for the Chicka Hunt written by Barb that you can adapt for your own letter hunt.
A told B and B told C,
“I’ll meet you where we check out books for free.”“Whee!” said D to E, F, G,
“I’ll beat you to the place where we have PE.”Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom, will there be enough room?
Here comes H up the coconut tree,
And I and J
And tag-along K
All on their way to the lunchroom cafe.Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom, will there be enough room?
Look who’s coming
And Q R S
And T U V
All in Ms. _____’s room to sing in harmony.Still more–W
And X Y Z
The whole alphabet in the office–oh, no!
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom!Skit skat skoodle doot
Flip flop flee,
Everybody running back to the coconut tree.
Boys and girls
And teachers and friends
Will find a surprise
When the story ends!